Specific Learning Disability

Specific Learning Disability

A child who has a learning disability does not process information in the same way as a typically developing child of the same age. By processing, that means a child hears, touches, sees, reads, or smells something that sends a message to their brains. Then, they make sense of what is going on and possibly take action. When a child has a processing difference or learning disability, the information might not flow to and from their brain and body as smoothly. It might get stuck or take a turn along the way. These processing differences can make it hard for a child to learn if teachers and other school staff do not know about them or make accommodations.

students with specific learning disabilities
You might hear processing differences called “learning differences.” You might even use this term yourself because it feels better to you and your child. However, using the word “disability” at your child’s school and when looking for other services and supports is very important.

What are some areas a child qualifies with a Specific Learning Disability?

The child does not achieve adequately for the child’s age or to meet State-approved grade-level standards in one or more of the following areas when provided with learning experiences and instruction appropriate for the child’s age or State-approved grade-level standards:
specific learning disability special education

Oral expression

specific learning disability example

Listening comprehension

most common learning disability

Written expression

common intellectual disabilities

Basic reading skill

autism literacy strategies

Reading fluency skills

sld reading

Reading comprehension

specific learning disability symptoms

Mathematics calculation

signs of specific learning disability

Mathematics problem solving

The child does not make sufficient progress to meet age or State-approved grade-level standards in one or more of the areas using a process based on the child’s response to scientific, research-based intervention
The child exhibits a pattern of strengths and weaknesses in performance, achievement, or both, relative to age, State-approved grade-level standards, or intellectual development, that is determined by the group to be relevant to the identification of a specific learning disability, using appropriate assessments

The group determines that its findings are not primarily the result of:

How can the school help?

Teachers can aid students in the learning process by breaking down lessons into small chunks that build upon one another.
Many students with learning difficulties process information visually. Teachers and parents can use those skills with comprehending lessons. For instance, after reading a chapter in a book, ask the student to draw a picture representing what they read.

To improve comprehension and retention when studying, incorporate multiple senses. For children who are visual learners, you can try:
● Hanging up pictures and setting up models
● Highlighting information in different colors
● Asking students to create lesson-based art
For those who prefer audio-based lessons, you can:
● Listen to books on tape or read aloud
● Watch a video with accompanying audio
● Utilize rhymes, chants and language games
Some kids are kinesthetic learners, those who learn through:
● Lessons with finger paints, puzzles or sand
● Modeling objects or designs in clay
● Using small objects to represent numbers
Tactile teaching involves the sense of touch, such as:
● Pairing counting with clapping or other movements
● Using a highlighter to color-code passages while reading
● Manipulating materials, like blocks, to visualize a scene

Mnemonics are techniques that help students understand and organize the information they read through visual and audio cues. They typically rely on the use of keywords, rhymes and acronyms. For example, most of us learned about the Great Lakes in school with the mnemonic device HOMES — Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Eerie, Superior.